Kill trump and white trash without mercy
Kill trump and white trash without mercy

kill trump and white trash without mercy
  1. #Kill trump and white trash without mercy trial#
  2. #Kill trump and white trash without mercy tv#
kill trump and white trash without mercy

We have, for example, the Washington Post blithely and churlishly referring to her military service as “long but undistinguished.” And whatever the treatment by the police, the treatment by the media has been markedly different. Instead, we have our new Unifier-in-Chief helpfully commenting that “no one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesters… that they wouldn’t have been treated very differently.” I’m uncertain about the accuracy of that comment: It seems that the police were equally ineffective and courageous against rioters this summer and rioters on January 6, but I am certain his comment will serve only further to divide and alienate Americans from one another. She was from the Right and so she was nothing. That would be “abhorrent” to use Disney’s new catchphrase. No write-ups in the mainstream newspapers about how she was trying to get her life back in order, no testimonials about what a kind, sweet person she might have been, very little talk about the possible hardships she had endured. There will be no elegiac memorializing for this piece of terrorist trash.

kill trump and white trash without mercy

The sad irony that she, like the police officer, was trying to “protect democracy” in her own confused, criminal manner is lost on most of us. Neither her white privilege nor her 14 years of honorable military service could protect her from that bullet. Brostoff further explained, who was shot by a law enforcement officer who was just doing “his duty to protect democracy.” Really, time to move on. And she bled out like a diseased dog on the pristine, sacred, sinless marble floor of our Capitol. She was little more than a rabid animal needing to be “put down,” at least according to Wisconsin state legislator, Jonathan Brostoff.

#Kill trump and white trash without mercy tv#

It wasn’t as if she were a social-justice activist, benignly lugging home a 60-inch flatscreen TV from a burnt-out department store. Trump narcissistically misled and fooled so many for so long is a great tragedy and that he is gone from power is a good thing, but it should not blur our vision to what else is happening.

#Kill trump and white trash without mercy trial#

Of course, a criminal trial in a court of law is a more onerous and ponderous task that would preclude high drama and theatrics, but the point of the impeachment was never for justice to be served anyway. We may never know for sure because the Democratically-controlled House chose to impeach him for political gain rather than seek a criminal indictment against him as a now-private citizen. At a minimum, former President Trump is morally liable for the violence that occurred and quite possibly legally liable as well. Assaults upon our democratic institutions, whether from the Right or the Left, should never be tolerated. The storming of the Capitol was criminal and a disgrace. For the first time in a very long time, no one is second-guessing the decision by a police officer to use deadly force against an unarmed woman.

Kill trump and white trash without mercy